All around the world a lot of people are victims of intolerance. 

Firstly, homosexual people are often rejected by society. It creates a real problem because they are more and more numerous and some people reject them.

Then black people are discriminated against, too. People whose physical appearance is different are criticised too.  Sometimes it is the same when you have a different  religion.

These problems have very big consequences: many people try to commit suicide. For example, a few years ago, a girl was insulted  because people took her for a "gothic" person and at the end of the story, she committed suicide!

Some victims don't go out, they don't talk to other people and have no social life. They take medicines. They stay alone and have a different kind of life. Sometimes they get more and more aggressive towards other people.

So we should be more polite and nice to them. We can create associations for children and teenagers and we must punish intolerant people. Maybe we should have a better education. Why are people intolerant? Because they are stupid.

We can help the victims psychologically, create groups to speak and give them some advice.

We must stop intolerance!

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